Rock Shop

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Why are rain gardens important?  As cities and suburbs grow and replace forests and agricultural land, increased stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces(roof of your house or garage, pavements- driveway, sidewalks), your lawn, or areas with poorly drained soil becomes a problem.  By redirecting the stormwater runoff into a rain garden, you will be able to help change these trends.  While an individual rain garden may seem like a small thing, they help the environment in several ways.
  • Increasing the amount of water that filters into the ground, which recharges local and regional aquifers;
  • Helping protect streams and lakes from pollutants carried by urban stormwater - lawn fertilizers and pesticides, oil and other fluids that leak from cars, and numerous harmful substances that wash off roofs and paved areas;
  • Providing valuable habitat for birds, butterflies and many beneficial insects.  

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